Nandy Psychedelia
Psychedelics have always been used in traditional societies and cultures as a way of healing and spiritually connecting with the unseen world within. This natural, widely accepted means has slipped into oblivion because of punitive laws that have pushed it underground. Why these laws exist is a piece for another article, but suffice it to know they are not for the greater good of humanity. Tridib’s own experiments with psychedelia have opened his mind and heart up to possibilities that he has seen and experienced and that he would like to share with the world. Psychedelics for treatment of terminal conditions of mind-body, psychedelics of unleashing the inner potential of a human being and general well-being. The West is just beginning to rediscover the positive effects of psychedelic treatment for certain conditions like PTSD, and other terminal mental illnesses and conditions. Tridib has been closely involved with organizations like the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic S...